Difference between hem and hemma

Could someone explain to me the difference between the two? The first sentence is “Jag ska hem” and the second is “Vi har slut på mjölk hemma”

Hem ís ‘home’, hemma is ‘at home’

“Hem” signifie “(aller) à/vers la maison”, alors que “hemma” signifie “(être) à la maison”. Donc hem indique un mouvement et hemma un état. J’espère que c’est plus clair maintenant.

hem - direction
hemma - location


I see these as leftover inflections. Locative, Dative and Ablative cases (I’d hazard to guess).
You get some correlations with English - the purple poetry kind of English, at least.

[at] home, (to) home, from home
hemma, hem, hemifrån

here, hither, hence
här, hit, härifrån

there, thither, thence
där, dit, därifrån

where, whither, whence
var, vart, varifrån

Actually, it’s dative singular (unless SAOB is wrong).