Confusion with this sentence

Ciao amici.
I have a quick question.
I’m not understanding why this is worded this way: “A noi piacciono i romanzi gialli”

I know the meaning of this sentence, but I understand why we wouldn’t use “Piaciamo” instead of “piacciono”?
Because as in this sentence, “Le piacciono anche gli animali”, “piacciono” would mean “I Like” Correct?

the verb “piacere” actually means “to please”. There is no direct translation of “to like” in Italian. So if you want to say that you like something, you literally say “it pleases me” → “mi piace”

Therefore, to say “we like mystery novels” you actually say “Mystery novels please us” → “A noi piacciono i romanzi gialli”.

I understand. So, piacciono also refers to “many/plural”. Meaning “pleases us”. Because I don’t understand the use of piacciono here because piacciono can also be used for singular sentences, right?


“A noi piacciono i romanzi gialli”
to us they are pleasing the mystery novels (we like the mystery novels)

“A me piacciono i romanzi gialli”
to me they are pleasing the mystery novels (I like the mystery novels)

“A noi piace il romanzo giallo”
to us it is pleasing the mystery novel (we like the mystery novel)

“A me piace il romanzo giallo”
to me it is pleasing the mystery novel (I like the mystery novel)

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I understand now. This makes more sense.