Not sure how and where to use this word

not sure how and where to use this word.

Can you please provide the context?
“assim” can mean this way, so, thus, it really depends on the context.

need help for para,pela dele dela,

Hi ahtapot1907
Please provide the context.

pela= por+a
dele - his
dela - her

ok, thanks for your response.

I use “então” in the same context as spanish “entonces”. But I hear Assim used a lot; I am not confident in the use of this word. Also “pois náo” confuses me, but are expressions i hear a lot.


On a similar note, can some explain “pois é?” Would it be “perhaps it is?” Como “puede ser” en español?

@polar1564 - You can use “então” in a situation like this:
Estava bom tempo, então resolvi ir à praia.
“Assim” could also be used in the same context.

See more examples of the use of então with an English translation:�o

European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese have a different usage for those 2 expressions.
Perhaps a Brazilian Lingqer can explain the meaning in Brazil

In Portugal, “pois é” is used to agree with a statement:

A: A fruta neste supermercado é muito cara!
B: Pois é!

“Pois não” is used to agree with a negative question:
A: Não compraste pão?
B: Pois não, esqueci-me.


Living in Brazil for 4 months has taught me that “pois é” is used to agree with whatever was said previously. The translation that I always use in my head is “indeed”.


Hello! Here in Brazil we talk this way:
Pois é = I agree with you.
Pois não? = Can I help you?
Pois não. = I can do it for you.
Pois sim! = No way!
My English is not good enough, but I hope help you.