Das online Wörterbücher

Wo kann ich das online Wörterbücher für Spanisch, Duetsche, und Russiche finden?

Where can I find a online dictionary for Spanish, German, and Russian?

I hope my German was a little bit decent.

I use for English-German:


But you find a lot more if you simply create a LingQ and open the dictionaries instead of using a user hint. Or you open an existing hint and open the dictionaries.

Unfortunately, these online dictionaries by opening take place now in the middle of the screen - it ennoys me, the position on the left was more comfortable and didn’t disturb to continue reading the text. Now I have every time to close the dictionary before continuing of reading.

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@evgueny40 - The new dictionary can actually be moved. Just click on the top bar with your mouse and drag it to the position you like.

Thank you Vera! for these useful sites.
I can’t go crazy making Lingqs, because I don’t have membership. I can’t afford it either, so I have to depend on free dictionaries and other resources online.

picture dictionary : in different languages!!


@jolanda “picture dictionary : in different languages!!”

Hermoso, beau, schön, bello, красивый, جميل
美丽的 !!