Does these words give the same meaning.. Gleichfalls & Dir

Does these words give the same meaning…
Gleichfalls & Dir auch

Have you read the lesson notes and the English translation?
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Now to your question:
These words do not have the same meaning.
As you can read in the lesson notes.
“Gleichfalls” means something like “the same to you”.
“Dir” is a form of “you”.

What you should have in mind is that language learning is not like math. There is often more than one meaning for a word or a word has no adequate translation into another language. Word by word translations often make no sense. Especially at the beginning learning phrases is very helpful to get used to the language.

Thank you. Now that was helpful.


If you use the word ‘gleichfalls’, you need not ‘duzen’ the person you are addressing. If you do not want to use Dir or Ihnen, that might be useful. This is my absolutely speculative guess. I don’t know if it is right.

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You’re welcome.

@Yutaka Richtig! That way you can avoid the Du-Sie dilemma.

almost the same