This feeling

This feeling when I import more and more lessons and there are white (known) words everywhere and sometimes I understand even whole sentences - priceless.
Makes me want to import even more lessons :slight_smile:

Learning English Grigo?

It’s pretty nice when we suddenly become aware of how much we already know and didn’t even notice before!
Seek for the blue ones too with all that motivation as for the white ones :smiley:

Keep up with the good work! :smiley:

I am learning both Italian and English :slight_smile:
When I read stuff in English I usually know 90%+ of the vocabulary but still, I create many lingqs.
As for Italian - here every single white word makes me happy! :slight_smile: And again, I create loads of lingqs!

PS. Thanks for your kind words!

I have almost 40k known Polish words and I understand almost everything when I hear the audio but Polish texts still have a lot of blue words :wink:

Język polski ma chyba najbardziej rozbudowane słowotwórstwo na świecie :stuck_out_tongue:

Nie tylko polski, ale prawdopodobnie i białoruski lub inne słowiańskie języki.

By the way, I’ve got a Dutch grammer book (in Russian) which contend that Dutch has the vast vocabulary.
I have seen also a film in English which told that namely English has the biggest vocabulary :wink:

That is the feeling. Without realizing why or how, we are getting on top of the language. It is an empowering feeling, and yet there is still a long way to go, but an enjoyable way.

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You guys are getting me motivated to get more serious about Polski.


Well… but still Polish is the most difficult to learn! :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to hear it. You should learn Polish, it would look nice on top of other languages you speak :slight_smile:
I could help you if needed.

It’s a real opportunity for such an experienced poltyglot. It’s definitely one of the most challenging languages to learn. Well, if you want to use proprer conjugations, tenses and grammatical structures and all that stuff.

A simple example here: 17 grammatical forms for the number 2

  1. dwa
  2. dwie
  3. dwoje
  4. dwóch (or dwu)
  5. dwaj
  6. dwiema
  7. dwom (or dwóm)
  8. dwoma
  9. dwojga
  10. dwojgu
  11. dwojgiem
  12. dwójka
  13. dwójki
  14. dwójkę
  15. dwójką
  16. dwójce
  17. dwójko

And don’t forget to visit Poland one day finally. :slight_smile:

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and the Polish translation

try to convince that
Polish is NOT the hardest language in the world


  1. два
  2. две
  3. двое
  4. вдвоём
  5. о (для) двоих
  6. двумя
  7. двум
  8. двумя
  9. вдвоём
  10. двойке
  11. двух
  12. двойка
  13. двойки
  14. двойке
  15. двойкой
  16. двойками
  17. двойкам
  18. двоек

The same is possible not only for Russian but for Belarusian as well.

You just won’t give up! :stuck_out_tongue: