How many words by day


I would like to know how many words is better to learn by day?
Now i learn 5/7 words by day, but i want more.

I don’t think there is a simple answer to this. Personally, I learn 300-500 words a day with my Russian and I learn that many because I want to have a great knowledge in the language. Thus, it mainly depends on your goals and how much you want to learn.

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Hi ! =)))

My feeling is, with all these languages featuring flexions, Russian as well, it’s also very important to also learn the ways and principles based on which the word “builds” into the sentence structure; it’s not English, anyways, a language requiring just to know the word by itself ! :wink:

I’m not talking about the spoken language; it’s important even in the written language! :wink:

300-500 new words by day? :o
How you do that?

Congratulation to you, but I doubt that you can learn by heart 300-500 Russian words a day.
Maybe, you make new 300-500 lingqs a day, however, it doesn’t mean you remember all these words.

But it doesn’t exist a clear answer how many words you have to learn.
It depends on the students and their time.

And the main thing: not to lose the desire for learning.


I’m afraid that 20 words/day it’s over, what do you think?

If you learn the words by heart, it’s enough.
But some students simply make new and new lingqs, and these lingqs could be even more than 500, but they don’t learn them usually, they just store them in the hope when they meet them several times, they can gradually remember the most important of them.


I make both. I creat more lingqs than i learn words.
With linqg, every day, i see my lingqs with the multiple choice.
With Anki, I learn by heart 5/10 words per day, before sleep. But for me, 5/10 is not enough, i think.

Put your attention on the progress bars below your avatar and the 90-Days Challenge banner. Your progress is displayed there, it shows how many words you should learn more to complete the goals, how many hours you should listen to, etc.
By default it shows the progress during the last week, but it’s possible to check your activity during last day, month, year, etc.

I don’t think that the “X number of words by day” is a correct approach.

First of all, even if you learn, lets say, 10 words by day, you will soon forget the majority of it. You will have to review them in the following days, in order to remember.

Secondly, it is a fixed rule that limits your learning. I think the number depends on the day, on your mood, and so on.

The right way, in my opinion, is to make as many linqs as you can and review them in the next days.

That works for me, at least. For you it may or may not, but you should try it.

Have a nice day!

It’s just a number. Don’t stress it. At the end of the day, it’s just xxx number and doesn’t exactly reflect your knowledge in the language.

My goals in language learning are flexible. I don’t say “I have to learn xx words in 1 day” because life happens such as school, family issues, or other things arise so of course, language learning being a lower priority, gets put on hold.

If people practice to get the number of xxx known words, people tend to start creating LingQs and just rush through the SRS and don’t bother really learning the words.

For me, I would rather take it slow and give enough attention to each LingQ I make rather than highlight everything, because I don’t want to burn out. So far it has worked for me. I would say I can recognize 90% of the words I read that I have already learned in the past (some words of course, I have to click on because I don’t exactly remember them).

Because I’m on break from college, I have time to look at each word. It’s rather boring right now, so I have time to look up each individual word and look up the grammatical meaning. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck to you learning English and Korean.

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how many new LinqQs do you create each day? The answer greatly affects the result of the first question.

I create about 100 new lingqs and add about 10 new known words a day.

But I think it’s a fair question, and it doesn’t matter if you can keep it up each day or not. Just make an average. Last month I had 3000 less lingQs and 300 less known words that I have now, so there is my answers.

Of course, the biggest factor is how distant this language is to your own language. I believe I’d known 10 times more words if I had chosen Spanish instead :wink:

I see on the progress bars that i need to learn more words. So my feeling it’s good, i will learn more. Thank you :3

I work with Anki, so when i learn word, anki repeat me them few days ego :3

“For you it may or may not, but you should try it.” → that’s great :slight_smile:

I ask this for Kanji, in english or other language, i don’t stress myself, but it’s different for kanji :confused:

You make 100 new lingqs for Japanese?
Now i make 9 Lingqs in japanese (32 in English). I very slow in Japanese I think, and that stress myself. Kanji take my a lot of time to learn. I don’t know if a need to learn 5 or 10 kanjis by day.

How you do for japanese?

I make 100 new lingqs now, after 7 months. According to my notes, it took me 2 weeks to have 120 lingqs, and after a month, I had 273 know words and 1158 lingqs. However, I spent a lot of time in the first 3 months learning kanji. The first month I believe I read nearly no kanji at all. Just studied them with “remembering the kanji”. I don’t think I started reading text with kanji before I was over 500 known words. I spend at least 30 minutes a day reading. More during the weekends. Also, I decided to concentrate exclusively on one new language for one year. Next year, I’ll start Spanish. I feel japanese is too demanding and I need to spend time to search for content also.

here I just recopied something I answered on another thread before:

Learn the first 500 words using kana (no kanji), at lingq, with beginner lessons.
In the meantime, start right now studying kanji (‘Remembering the kanji’). Don’t waste time trying to memorize too much, except easy kanji, throught stories (mnemonics).
When you’re up to 500 words, you should already know a 100, 200, 300 kanji, a small base. Start reading stuff with kanji in it. Install rikaikun for Chrome. I could’nt live without it.
Continue studying kanji in the meantime, with ‘remembering the kanji’. But don’t waste your time with difficult kanji, or too complicated stories to remember kanji better. Juste pass throught all the 2000 kanji one by one. Your brain will assimilate them though exposure. I personnally created a mnemonic for each kanji while reading them. I read them all 7 times during 3 months. I never reviewed them really, just pass throught fast (though I spent dozens of hours creating my stories). Some sticked; some didn’t. I realized that the best trick is to expose yourself as much as possible throught input: reading, listening, anecdotes, stories. And the most important advice: never try to memorize words, kanji, or whatever. The only thing I consciously tried and remembered were the kanas (katakana and hiragana), for 2 reasons: 1) it’s the absolute base 2) it’s a very finite project: you can do it in 3 days. I absolutely reject the idea of putting myself into the task of remembering things that are not finite, like for instance, the words of a specific language. I keep that for the long run. But kanas are limited. 46. You can do it, so do it as fast as possible.

After 3 to 4 months, I was into real content: wikis, movie reviews, etc. Right now I’m reading short novels. I’m still decoding of course. But one thing for sure, the writing system is not something that bothers much anymore. I had to work hard at first, but now I feel really at ease with it. I would even dare say that I find it easier to read content with kanji than the contrary; I can guess the meaning of a whole lot of content just by their kanji. I feel my reading is like a year ahead of my listening, just for that reason.

==> Edit: don’t go crazy about getting all the 2000 kanji. First, their meaning are often ambiguous. Secondly, the stories in “remembering the kanji” are sometimes ridiculously difficult to recall afterwards. Read them all fast, many times, and pay attention to the ones that seems to pop more often during you readings. The one thing I maybe regret in my experience is that I spent too much time studying the kanji out of context. Now I’m still learning them, but in novels.

Oups, je n’avais pas rĂ©alisĂ© que tu parlais français, et que tu apprenais l’anglais (J’ai lu trop vite!). J’aurais du t’écrire en français, ma premiĂšre langue aussi.

Pendant qu’on y est, je te suggĂšre fortement Le petit prince en japonais. Je le termine Ă  l’instant. C’est idĂ©al comme livre pour les raisons suivantes: 1) court et simple 2) presque pas de kanji, donc on apprend les mots rapidement sans obstacle 3) beaucoup de rĂ©pĂ©titions dans les textes, ce qui renforce l’apprentissage des expressions. 4) le contenu est intĂ©ressant mĂȘme pour un adulte, donc l’intĂ©rĂȘt est lĂ , et l’intĂ©rĂȘt c’est primordial. Si tu l’as dĂ©jĂ  lu Ă  l’école, alors tant mieux, tu n’as qu’à lire la version japonaise seulement.

Fais moi signe si tu le veux, Ă  un moment oĂč un autre. J’ai le text en japanais et en français, que j’ai lu cĂŽte Ă  cĂŽte.

Thank you for your advices!!

I don’t like 'remembering the kanji" because i prefere to creat my own story with kanji X)
So at the beginning, it take time, so it’s normal if i’m slow X) Thank you :3
How many time listen you japanese by day?