What book do you use to learn languages?

What book do you use to learn languages​​?

With regards the English language, I use grammar and vocabulary books.

Just a small thing, it’s ‘with regards to’ :slight_smile:

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Currently any enjoyable novel I can get my hands on. I’m currently working through el hombre en el laberinto by Robert Silverberg.

Yeap, you are right, thanks for correcting me. Therefore we should access Skype, forums for improving our spoken and written skills!

Read and listen and insist

I read monolingual dictionaries. Longman DCE, Le Petit Robert, …

I like some novels, specially the ones that are true stories (or based on true stories), the last one I’ve read was “Coming Clean” from Kimberly Rae Miller. I also like history books, specially about prehistoric history.

Some books about brain and/or behavior also gets my curiosity. Also books about memory, attention, how the brain works, things like that.

And finally books about language learning, it’s another subject from what I like to read about, although I have been watching videos and listening audiobooks or articles more than reading for this kind of subject.

To start learning a new language I use a work and excercise book with added audioCD for beginners. After this basic work, in order to get used a little bit to the language and to get more variety and a wider spread of everyday vocabulary, I read some books for children and then go on with some comics. The result is perfect because this gives you a lot of motivation and the certainty of success to be able to read books in your the target language.
From this time language learning becomes much more interesting and easier!:slight_smile:

“And finally books about language learning, it’s another subject from what I like to read about, although I have been watching videos and listening audiobooks or articles more than reading for this kind of subject.” I love this topic too and it would be great to read about it also in other languages, not only English.

I start out with Assimil. As soon as I can, I start reading children’s books in my target language. Then, when I feel more comfortable with the language, or when the children’s book run ou :wink: t, I start out on novels. I don’t think this will work for every language, but for now, it seems to work quite well.

I also have made good experience with Assimil. Some years ago I tried to learn Portuguese and it worked quiet well. After two weeks I felt able to comunicate a bit. Honestly I have to say that I used also some Spanish words and the result was quiet an interesting mix.