Uso de ESTAR

From Diferencias entre ser y estar we see a phrase:
Yo estoy bien.

I’m wondering why that wouldn’t translate to:
I I’m good.

There seems to be a double reference to the speaker. Can someone explain?

When first learning Spanish in a class setting, you learn that “yo” means “I.” To make sentences, you would always attach “yo” as the subject prior to putting the verb. However, the more familiar you get with the language, you can omit the “yo.” Hence, “Yo estoy bien” is equivalent to the more common “Estoy bien.” Where it’s more common to use the subject is when you are utilizing either usted, el, or ella because they have the same verb conjugation.

That helps. Thanks for the explanation.

@tojo: In Costa Rica you better say: “Estoy pura vida” :wink:


Rafael (Costarrican in Canada)